Spaying and Neutering

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Spaying and neutering offers many benefits for pets, with respect to both their behaviour and their overall health. It can prevent undesirable behaviours associated with reproduction such as heat cycles in females, aggression and urine marking in males, and roaming for both. Spaying and neutering can also reduce the risk of certain diseases and health problems such as tumours and pyometra.

What is the difference between spaying and neutering?

In males, neutering consists of the complete removal of the testicles. In females, spaying involves the complete removal of the uterus and ovaries.

At what age should my pet be spayed or neutered?

The preferred age for spaying or neutering pets depends on several factors, including their species, breed, size and weight.

For cats, the minimum age is 3 months, and the minimum weight is 3 lb. It’s also recommended to wait until your cat has received all their basic vaccinations before spaying or neutering. The ideal age is therefore at approximately 6 months, but this may vary slightly.

For dogs, recent studies have shown that it’s best to consider their stage of development as well as their size, weight and sex, rather than a particular age, to determine when to spay or neuter. This will avoid potentially affecting their growth or causing developmental issues. Talk to your vet to find out the best time to spay or neuter your pet.

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