Heartworm Testing

Vital assessments for early detection and timely treatment of heartworms.

Heartworms are parasites that are transmitted by mosquitoes. Having many heartworms in the blood and heart can make an animal very ill and can even lead to death if left untreated. At Hôpital Vétérinaire St-Lambert, we offer preventive anti-parasite treatments to eliminate heartworms and prevent them from reproducing. We also carry out heartworm screening in our on-site lab, which means we can provide same-day results.

Why are heartworms dangerous for my pet?

As the name suggests, heartworms live in the host animal’s heart, lungs and arteries. Once they’ve taken hold, these parasites can reproduce very quickly, becoming increasingly harmful as they begin to block up the host animal’s circulation system. And as the blood supply to the vital organs decreases, they are no longer able to function properly. Curative treatments for heartworm can be very taxing for the animal, not to mention very expensive for the owner.

What symptoms of heartworm should I look out for?

Heartworms are difficult to detect without screening, as they generally don’t cause any symptoms at first. Once they’ve had a chance to multiply, heartworms can cause symptoms such as coughing, loss of appetite, exercise intolerance and so on. When these symptoms appear, the illness will already be at an advanced stage.

How do preventive heartworm treatments work?

To avoid the complications and suffering associated with heartworm, we recommend preventive treatment. Preventive treatment eliminates heartworms at an immature stage before they have the opportunity to fully develop and reproduce. Anti-parasite treatments come in a variety of forms. Talk to your vet to find out which option is best for your pet.

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